Hey, I love you bringing Albuquerque into the mix! I love that atmospheric feeling of the writing and the blending of prose/poetry into the sorry. I feel like the addition of the older, archetypal guide of Sal is a good addition that no one has used so far! I liked how the emergald green cactus at the end brings him back! Good work!
I enjoyed this a lot! The scene after our main character is captured is really well-described, so vivid and uncanny. And I like how you foreshadow that twist about Sal while keeping the intensity high throughout. Good stuff!
That was a fun read!
Hey, I love you bringing Albuquerque into the mix! I love that atmospheric feeling of the writing and the blending of prose/poetry into the sorry. I feel like the addition of the older, archetypal guide of Sal is a good addition that no one has used so far! I liked how the emergald green cactus at the end brings him back! Good work!
I enjoyed this a lot! The scene after our main character is captured is really well-described, so vivid and uncanny. And I like how you foreshadow that twist about Sal while keeping the intensity high throughout. Good stuff!
Thanks! Funnily enough reading yours was what propelled me to write me own